13.11.2007 | 00:12
Gayatri mantran
Gayatri Mantra Sources, Meaning and Origination
The Gayatri Mantra consists of fourteen words, each of which holds an important meaning...
Aum Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tat Savitur VarenyamBhargo Devasya Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat
The Vedas are widely considered to be the source of all true knowledge, the word "Veda" itself meaning "Knowledge". Gayatri Devi also gave to mankind the "Gayatri Mantra", also known as the "Guru Mantra" and the "Savitri Mantra", one of the oldest mantras, and generally thought of as being amongst the highest and most powerful mantras of all. This mantra is therefore often referred to as "the Mother of the Vedas". It appears in Yajur Veda - Adhyaya (Chapter) 36, Mantra (Verse) 3.
Due to its great power, the Gayatri Mantra had become, over time, the sole property of the Brahmins, who abused their power to maintain a hold of the common people. The great Hindu reformer, Swami (often called Maharishi) Dayanand Saraswati however freed the mantra from the iron clutches of the brahmins, and thus made it freely available to the entire world. Through this, as well as various other acts, he strove to distance the Hindu community from the false beliefs and superstitions that had crept into it, and brought about a reversion to the true, Vedic faith.
Gayatrimantran er mörg þúsund ára gömul mantra, er æðsta og kraftmesta mantran af öllum. og með þeim elstu. kölluð veda mantra, veda þýðir þekking,líka þekkt sem guru mantra. Þessi mantra leiðbeinir ef hún er notuð, verndar, verndar líkamann, örvar gáfurnar og mælsku. umbreytir myrkri í ljós. Ég er búin að vera kyrja þessa möntru og fundið fyrir hversu kröftug hún er. Éh hef verið að kyrja hana 1-2var á dag.
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